Tagged: Resolutions

18 for 2018 | HappilyFrazzled.com 4

18 for 2018: Setting Goals for the New Year

This post contains affiliate links… Happy New Year!!! I LOVE the start of a new year! Yes, I know we are 2 months in, but sometimes I need the chaos of the holidays (and birthday season in our house), to wind down before I can start looking ahead and figuring out what I want the new year to bring. I love setting new goals and resolutions and just making a fresh start. This time of year always seems to lead me back to writing a new blog post as well (considering that my last post was in February 2017 and...

Happy New Year! Time to re-evaluate last year's goals and resolutions and set some new ones! 4

Happy New Year…ish!

Hi guys! Happy New Year…ish? This blog is not dead! Yeah, so I kind of checked out around Halloween, not really, but looking at the blog it feels that way. I can’t believe I missed out on the funnest blogging season, the holidays! There are so many things/crafts/cookies to post about around the holidays!!! I started the crafts, I made the cookies, I TOOK THE PICTURES! I could barely even get that stuff up on social media, let alone get a full blog post out. Ugh. But tis the season and tis life. Oh well, if I’ve learned anything over...

Happy New Year | HappilyFrazzled.com 2

Happy New Year!

Wow! Another holiday season come and gone! This year was a very busy one, but so so much fun. Christmas and New Year’s should be on a 3 day weekend every year! It was so nice to be able to enjoy the craziness of the holiday, but then to also have the down time afterward to truly soak it in. Most years my husband has to go back to work December 26th, so this year really felt like such a gift! I mentioned in this post that Christmas is absolutely my favorite holiday, but that it is such a busy...

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