Tagged: the100dayproject

The 100 Day Project | HappilyFrazz 0

The 100 Day Project

AHHHH! I am participating in the 100 day project for the first time this year! And I am super excited/nervous/anxious about it! The 100 Day Project “is a free global art project that anyone can participate in.” It is hosted by Elle Luna and Lindsay Jean Thomson, and it is a creative project on Instagram that goes on for, you guessed it, 100 DAYS! This year it starts April 3rd (or you can start any time!). You can read more about it here. Basically it is a project that encourages consistent creativity every day for 100 days. You pick some...

18 for 2018 | HappilyFrazzled.com 4

18 for 2018: Setting Goals for the New Year

This post contains affiliate links… Happy New Year!!! I LOVE the start of a new year! Yes, I know we are 2 months in, but sometimes I need the chaos of the holidays (and birthday season in our house), to wind down before I can start looking ahead and figuring out what I want the new year to bring. I love setting new goals and resolutions and just making a fresh start. This time of year always seems to lead me back to writing a new blog post as well (considering that my last post was in February 2017 and...

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